



Medium: Glazed ceramics

Size: 46x36cm

Year: 2023

Artwork Description: The 3-legged stool was first exhibited in Re-Collection at St James in 2016. The narrative is taken from religious dogma on the Trinity.




Tony Briffa, born in Malta in 1959, studied ceramics in the late seventies obtaining a distinction diploma from Tarġa Gap School for Craftsmen. After almost ten years working in the ceramic industry, he was entrusted with the ceramic studios at Tarġa Gap, his old art school. Since the early eighties, he exhibited in a significant number of national and international juried exhibitions, drawing the attention of art critics and collectors. All along, he also worked intensely in the theatre both as an actor and as a designer. He designed sets, costumes, and props for major productions by playwrights as diverse as Aristophanes, Molière, Neil Simon, and Peter Shaffer. In 1995, he was awarded the Commonwealth Foundation Fellowship in Art and Crafts, which he pursued later as a Visiting Scholar at the Centre for the Arts, Hobart, University of Tasmania. While in Australia, he attended the international ceramic Clay Sculpt Symposium at Gulgong. He moved to Tåsinge in Denmark in 2002 where he now lives and work. Tony was awarded the Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant in 2015 and two Malta Arts Council Grants in 2016 and in 2018 for his ceramic sculptures.