



Medium: Acrylics on canvas & wood

Size: 51x40x7cm

Year: 2018

Artwork Description: Summertime is from the Scape series which made part of Alfred Camilleri’s solo exhibition CONNECTIONS at MUŻA in 2022. The series combines the genres of abstract painting and object sculpture into harmonious compositions, a style which the artist has been developing for many years. Summertime (as with other Scape works) is accompanied by a reflection: - “Summertime is like that moment when at the end of a noire movie, when the lights are switched on, faces and colours show up”.




Alfred Camilleri was born in Valletta in 1950. After receiving his formal education at the Lyceum, he proceeded to further his technical education through an apprenticeship at Malta Drydocks in the late 60s, at the Government Technical Institute and at Malta Polytechnic. His deep interest in the Humanities also led him to read for a B.A. at the University of Malta in the 90s. He studied painting briefly under Esprit Barthet (1919-1999) at the Government School of Art. Camilleri had a 40-year teaching career in various state schools which include the Art and Design Centre, Valletta, and MCAST Institute of Art and Design, now the Institute for the Creative Arts, since its inception in 2000 until his retirement in 2011. Camilleri has been involved in a range of art and design projects both profane and religious comprising the 2D and 3D aspects of art. He has exhibited regularly in numerous collective exhibitions and held nine solo exhibitions. A number of his works are part of Malta’s State Collection at MUŻA.