
Decent into chaos

Decent into chaos

John Martin Borg

Medium: Watercolour

Size: 50 cm x 46 cm (approx)

Year: 2022

Artwork Description: Descent into chaos (“and through his wounds we were healed.” Is.53:5)



John Martin Borg

An established watercolourist, John Martin Borg exhibited his first works in 1979, eventually abandoning his pharmacy profession in 2003 to become a full-time artist. He has exhibited widely, not only with a series of personal exhibitions, but also in numerous important collectives, both in Malta and abroad. Locally his works are found in a number of public places including The Museum of Contemporary Arts, The Maritime Museum, The Cathedral Museum Mdina, The Presidential Palace and the Reserve collection of the MUZA. His works have been exhibited at the Mall Gallery and the Royal Water Colour Society Open Exhibition (London), the UNESCO Head Quarters (Paris), and also in Munich, Cologne, Stuttgart, Heidelberg, San Tropez, Paris, Tunisia, Dubai and Florida (USA). His works are found in prominent places such as the W.H.O. Centre (Geneva) and the Commonwealth Centre (London). Four of his paintings form part of the Royal Collection (London) and another two form part of the collection at the Vatican City.