
Village square

Village square

Ethelbert Perini

Medium: Pastel on paper

Size: 50 cm x 50 cm

Year: 2022

Artwork Description: Most of us are proud of our village cores, but are the first to abuse the space... A derelict building turns into a veritable dump where trash is left to fester... and no one bats an eyelid... and life goes on.



Ethelbert Perini

Ethelbert Perini always had a passion for art and attended art schools from a young age. Harry Alden, his art teacher at Secondary School was an early mentor, who pushed him to pursue his creative ideas. Further tutorship by Anton Calleja, at the School of Art and later in his Studio in Bahrija, has enabled Ethelbert to further the study of the human figure and painting in different media. He attends life classes where he continues to develop his depiction of the human figure and portraiture. The love for pastels started when he purchased a set of pastels for his daughter for a school project, and ended up using them, enjoying the freshness and versatility that the medium offers. His preferred subjects vary from still life and landscape, to the human figure and portraits. Continually experimenting with this medium, he is currently following a more Impressionistic style, with bold strokes of colour. Ethelbert has held exhibitions at the Malta Society of Arts, and the President’s palace, and regularly participates in collective exhibitions. His art hangs in public and private collections in Malta and abroad.