
Stiletto Dagger

Stiletto Dagger

Aaron Bezzina

Medium: Gold-plated brass and wood (not part of an edition)

Size: 5 cm x 5 cm x 39.5 cm

Year: 2022

Artwork Description: A stiletto dagger is an object primarily intended as a stabbing weapon, with its slender and needle-like blade - contrary to other blades used for slashing. However, ‘Stiletto Dagger, 2022’ is rendered unusable, as prongs protrude from the wooden handle making it uneasy (or impossible) for one to hold in a conventional manner. This work is in the lineage of a series of works dealing with the notion of ‘anti-interactivity’, where an object appears to bear a specific function, yet paradoxically would cause damage to the user. Hence, the work solely remains as an aesthetic/conceptual object and cannot be interacted with physically.



Aaron Bezzina

Aaron Bezzina first exhibited in 2012 after a successful submission to an open call. He has since consistently shown work locally and abroad. Aaron’s first international break came in 2015, whilst reading for an MFA in Digital Arts (University of Malta). He was selected from a pool of 330 European applicants, for a residency organised by the European Investment Bank (Luxembourg), where he was mentored by Darren Almond, a Turner prize nominated artist. This launched Aaron in direct contact with the international scene. Moreover, the European Investment Bank purchased the work produced during the residency and now it resides in their permanent collection. After his 2016 internship as an archivist with the Nuova Icona Gallery, he established roots in Venice whilst also showing work at the Venice Biennale of Architecture where his sculptures formed part of Architecture Project’s ‘A Cabinet of Curiosities’ at Palazzo Mora. Aaron was one of the selected artists for the Maltese Pavilion at Venice Biennale (2017). His work was scouted by officials from Imago Mundi, an exhibition organised by the Luciano Benetton Collection. This led to a project in Treviso and Quero-Vas, Italy, and participation in RigenerArte organised by UNIC&F and the Luciano Benetton Collection. Aaron has participated in residencies in Lithuania and Athens, with exhibitions in the respective countries. Presently Aaron is representing Malta in UN/MUTE, a New York virtual artist residency, after being selected by Arts Council Malta. This project will pair 10 European artists with 10 NY artists for a few months, the final work eventually intended for exhibition in the Austrian Cultural Forum NY in Manhattan.